I think that is because instead of the mad rush to save the world, it’s a slightly more investigative approach to the story. From my experience, the story is a bit more character driven with interpersonal moments here and there, but not by much. The story expands and fills in some of the holes of the main campaign, but don’t expect anything intense or all that surprising. Gaia and Hades are joining the smorgasbord of warriors and deities along with a wee bit of Joan of Arc, Achilles, Ryu Hayabusa, and a mystic named Yang Jian. What do you get with the Ultimate version compared to the Vanilla? As far as actual missions to play, you honestly get pretty much the same type of missions as before with a slightly more interesting storyline expanding on the ancient gods theme.

It’s not a game I can play for days on end, though, despite the fact I largely marathoned it in a weekend for the review you are reading. Yet, there is a certain je ne sais quoi that I still find enjoyable, mostly due to all the varied character attacks and that giddy feeling I get from whirlwinding thousands of soldiers in a spiral of death. It’s very repetitive and most missions tend to be quite similar but with different map layouts. I won’t redo an entire review of the base game other than to say it’s mostly using the same musou normal, charge, and magic attacks over and over while following a sort of GPS style map and using time management for objectives because if you don’t complete the objectives on time, you end up defeated and have to start over the mission or at least from a checkpoint. My fellow SoQ reviewer, S-1, reviewed Warriors Orochi 4 last year.